Page 6 - Cooktown and Cape York 2012

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The history is just the beginning...
getting here
getting here
Travel Safely
Always drive to the road conditions,
keep your headlights on and
do not speed
Travel Services
Bus Service Cairns-Cooktown:
Country Road Coachlines › 4045 2794
Scheduled Air Services Cairns-Cooktown:
Hinterland Aviation › 4035 9323
Scenic flights (including Lizard Island):
Daintree Air Services › 1800 246 206
Scheduled Cruises:
Coral Princess Cruises › 1800 079 545
index or
for updated
road conditions reports.
LPG gas is available in Cooktown and Weipa.
Fuel is available at all the roadhouses and in all
major service centres in Cape York.
When to Visit
Our superb tropical climate ensures that
month is a good month to visit
Dry Season
from April to December
is enhanced by fresh tropical breezes.
Daily sunshine averages around 7 hours and
average temperature is 27 degrees C.
Wet Season
is usually from January
to March and this brings renewed life in
spectacular fashion to both rainforest and
outback savannah. The Wet is a great time
to see the waterfalls in full flow and enjoy
incredible fishing conditions.
Most roads north of Laura will
close in the
Wet season
and permits available from Dept
of Transport and Main Roads are required for
local travel over this period.