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Elim Beach Campsite

Located approximately 25 km outside Hopevale this shady beachfront campsite is the perfect base to see the Coloured Sands dune formations.
Elim Beach Campsite

Elim Beach Campsite

The campsite has toilet and shower facilities and fresh water supply but please note water is a precious resource and is not an unlimited supply.

The natural and secluded surroundings mean no shops nearby so arrive self-sufficient with supplies.

The campsite is accessed on a mostly bitumen road (only 3km of gravel) and is accessible to 2WD vehicles and caravans.

The large expanse of beach faces Cape Bedford and at low tide the shallows provide plenty of exploration with numerous starfish, crabs, sea cucumbers and marine life to find.


Contact Ivan Deemal

Bookings are essential.


Text: 0419 730 463

Eddie Deemal at Elim Beach
Eddie Deemal at Elim Beach