National Parks
Black Mountain National Park, (Kalkajaka N.P.)
The mysterious Black Mountains are steeped in myths and legends, and are a special story place for the Kuku Yalanji people.
Cape Melville National Park
A remote park with a spectacular coastline of rocky headlands. Massive granite boulders of the Melville range and sandstone escarpments of the Altanmoui range dominate the inland regions of the park. These features form part of a living Aboriginal cultural landscape.
Cedar Bay National Park
Located 40km south of Cooktown, this remote and beautiful coastal national park features rugged tropical rainforest hinterland and sea-sculpted headlands, fringed with expansive sandy beaches.
Flinders Group National Park
The park consists of seven remote islands with a rich cultural landscape. The islands contain important Aboriginal story and burial sites along with nationaly significant rock art sites showing early contact with Europeans.
Hope Islands National Park
Two low lying coral cays, West Hope is a shingle cay dominated by mangroves and East Hope is a sandy cay.
Iron Range National Park - Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) National Park (CYPAL)
This remote coastal park in northern Cape York Peninsula protects the largest area of lowland tropical rainforest in Australia. Rainforest and heath shrouded hills provide the backdrop to long sweeping beaches, mangrove forests and rocky outcrops.
Jardine River National Park and Heathlands Resources Reserve
A huge wilderness area at the tip of Cape York Peninsula which includes much of the catchment of the Jardine River, the largest perennial river in Queensland. Heath, rainforest and woodlands cover low sandy ridges separated by swamps and shrublands and vine thickets cover massive coastal dunes.
Rinyirru (Lakefield) National Park
Rinyirru (Lakefield) is Queensland’s second largest National Park and the largest park in Cape York at 537,000 ha. Spectacular wetlands and extensive river systems attract a great diversity of waterbirds while estuarine and freshwater crocodiles bask along the river banks and barramundi wait in the shallows.
Lizard Island
Located 93 km north of Cooktown and 27km from the coast these 6 islands are part of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Public moorings are provided for private boats and there is an airstrip for small aircraft.
Mount Cook National Park
Rising to 431m Mount Cook provides a scenic backdrop to Cooktown. The rainforest clad granite hill is known as Waymbuur by the Aboriginal Traditional Owners.
Mungkan Kandju National Park
A wilderness park of open woodlands, melaleuca swamps and rainforest the park is a living cultural landscape rich in cultural significance for the Traditional Aboriginal Owners.

View from Mt Hartley - Cedar Bay NP
Looking east from Mt Hartley the photo captures coastal mountains in Cedar Bay National Park
Iron Range Photo Gallery
Iron Range National Park, Lockhart River, Portland Roads and Chilli Beach Photos
Lakefield National Park Photos
Images from Lakefield National Park
E-Permits for Cape York National Parks
Poster for changes to N.P. campsite bookings